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Vaccination support


What is POSTVAC?


Vaccines and vaccination programmes vary widely, depending on several local factors (e.g. type of production, level of biosecurity, local pattern of disease, status of maternal immunity, vaccines available, costs and potential losses).

Vaccines cannot realistically be expected to provide 100% protection for birds/flocks vaccinated under field conditions.

PROVAC provides active Vaccination support  for bird flocks to ensure higher post vaccination efficacy. 


Why use POSTVAC?


1. Ensures better survival rate

2. Free from Live Bacteria, Fungi and Yeast.

3. Free from Antibiotics, Chemicals  

4. Improves the immune response to most of the vaccines. 

5. Induces qualitative and quantitative expansion of the antibody repertoires with protective potential.

6. Relieves all sorts of stress.


What does it contain?


  • 1,3/1,6 Beta Glucans 3 g/L

  • Aluminum Gel: 1 g/L

  • Aspirin: 90 mg/L

  • B6            1.5 g/L

  • D L Methionine 4 g/L

  • Grape Seed Oil 5 mg/L    

  • L Lysine 2 g/L

  • Levamisole 1.25 g/L

  • MOS 3 g /L

  • Selenium 0.03 mg/L

  • Skimmed Milk Powder 5g/L

  • Sodium meta silicate 1ml/L

  • Triphala Churna 25 mg/L


  • Vit C     25 mg/L

  • Vit E 2 mg/L

  • Zinc sulphate 21 mg/L


How does POSTVAC work?


PROVAC contains vaccine strengthening natural/mineral agents. 

Where can we use POSTVAC?


Vaccination schedules of Bird Flock.


How to use POSTVAC?


1ml/1 L Water


Shelf life?


12 Months from the date of manufacture 




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